ATV Cam Chain Tensioners
ATV cam chain tensioners are a crucial part of the engine in any SXS machine. These tensioners keep the billet camshaft fitments in proper alignment and ensure the functioning of the engine is perfect. Without them, the ATV/UTV engine would not be able to operate correctly and could suffer considerable damage. Cam chain adjusters are a high-quality component that is attached to the camshafts which push against the camshafts, keeping them in the correct position. If the timing cam chain tensioner is not working properly, the camshafts can become misaligned and cause the engine to stall or break. This is why it is important to inspect and maintain the hydraulic tensioner on a regular basis. When inspecting the tensioner, you should check for any signs of wear and tear.
It is important to have the brand new moto tensioner well lubricated when replacing the OEM unit. Fitting a manual cam chain tensioner is tedious without well-rounded mechanical knowledge, be sure to check the owner's manual for tips or hand the machine to a licensed mechanic. These kits are available for models of Polaris RZR, Honda TRX, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Can-Am, and Arctic Cat. Check out the selection of off-road parts we keep in stock for your enduro motocross bike and utility vehicles today!